Author: admin
AGM 18 FEB 2025
As usual, the AGM heard reports from the Hon.Sec, Hon.Treas and Hon.Auditor on the year just passed and plans for the near future, the various financial transactions of the Club and the completeness and accuracy of financial records, respectively. No major decisions were made and the Committee was re-elected.
‘Broken Boule’ Singles
Congratulations to Gilles on winning the Broken Boule Singles competition on 24 August 2024. Our competition programme is now complete for this year.
Changing Partners competition
Congratulations to Sylver on winning the Changing Partners competition on 27 July 2024.
Millisle Shield Doubles
Congratulations to Sylver and Gil on winning the Millisle Shield Doubles on 13 July.
Bass Shield Doubles
Congratulations to Gilles and Jos on winning the Bass Shield Doubles on 29 June 2024.
Weir Family Shield
Congratulations to Ian and Humberto on winning the Weir Family Shield Doubles on 1 June 2024.
Bill Miller Mem. Doubles
Congratulations to Jos and Humberto on winning the Bill Miller Mem. Doubles on 4 May
RFS Triples 20 April 2024
A beautiful day to start off our 2024 competition programme. Congratulations to Kevin, Freda and Jos ( his very first appearance on the winners’ podium ). Photos below showing firstly, the winners and secondly, most of the competitors who look like they couldn’t care less as long as the sun shone.
In 1998, our Club paid a weekend visit to Cahir PC, in Tipperary. Unbelievably, a quarter of a century ago. The photo below shows our group, only 7 of whom are still in membership. Regrettably, those marked * have passed away but, the rest of us haven’t aged a day. Back row: Ciaran McFerran, Norman…