Given North Down PC’s long established competition programme and preferred format policy, the under-noted is designed to confirm that policy, and allow anyone in the Club to organise a competition. 

As set out in the Club’s Constitution, the rules of the sport’s governing body (FIPJP) provide the under-lying framework for the control of competitions, however, not all aspects of those rules are identified in this policy document, which should be read in conjunction with the Club’s Courtesy and Etiquette policy. 

Entrants policy: While, in the past, some competitions have been open to entrants from outside the Club, there has been little external interest and, currently, all competitions are restricted to fully paid-up Club members. The ‘policy’ is, however, sufficiently ‘fluid’ to allow for ‘open’ competitions as determined by the Committee.    

Format Policy: Apart from ‘Singles’ competitions, the currently preferred format is the ‘Melee’ in which everyone enters as individuals and the organiser, insofar as is possible, assigns entrants to groups (shooters and pointers for Doubles, and shooters, experienced pointers, and inexperienced pointers for Triples). Names are drawn from each group so that, as far as is possible, each team has a ‘shooting’ capability and, for Triples, a mix of experience. Team composition remains constant over the length of the competition, unless the competition is specifically designed to allow ‘rotation’. Depending on numbers, formats are ‘Round Robin’ (no final) and ‘2 Groups’ (with a final)  

Scheduling policy: In so far as it is possible, competitions take place in line with the annual programme agreed by the Committee immediately following the AGM. However, in the interests of ensuring the maximum number of entrants, competition dates can be changed. The over-riding aims are (a) to maximise the competitive element of each event (b) to increase revenue (c) to avoid ‘clashes’ and allow those who participate in external competitions to do so without missing out on Club competitions and (d) to complete the annual programme before the next AGM. Competitions normally commence at 10.30 am and are completed within a day.  

Notification policy: Following the Committee’s agreement on an annual programme, the Hon. Sec. will provide each member with a copy of the programme (in paper or by email). The programme will also feature on the Club’s website.  

In order to eg. gauge the level of interest in a particular competition, the Hon. Sec (or organiser of the competition, if different) may signal, at Club meetings, that a competition is planned. If interest is sufficient, the Hon. Sec etc will subsequently email (or ‘phone, as necessary) all members, inviting entry to the competition, within a stated deadline. Valid entries are only accepted following the issue of invitation, not responses during the initial gauging of interest mentioned above. There is also an onus on members, however, to enquire about competitions in which they have an interest, since he/she will have access to the competition programme.  

Entries must go directly to the Hon. Sec. and will be retained in time/date of receipt order, since, on occasion, the number of entrants may not ‘fit’ the numbers required for a particular format  eg. even numbers are required for Doubles. In such circumstances, the most recent entrant(s) are required to withdraw, to make numbers fit format.  

Awards policy:

‘Perpetual’ trophies are awarded for all competitions and the names of winners will be engraved thereon. They are required to be returned to the Committee each year prior to the relevant competition. It is also Club policy to award individual medals/mementos to winners of competitions, for their own retention. The nature of these individual awards is determined by the Committee before the start of each competition year. No runner-up awards are made.  

The Committee will nominate one of its members to take responsibility for (a) the sourcing of medals/mementos, subject to the Committee’s prior approval of design and cost and (b) the sourcing and costs of * engraving on both perpetual trophies and medals/mementos. Costs incurred can be re-imbursed subject to the provision, to the Hon.Treas. of a properly itemised bill.

The Committee can decide to replace existing perpetual trophies or introduce ‘new’ competitions and source perpetual trophies accordingly. 

* Apart from actual ‘engraving’ costs, the cost of (a) small ‘shields’ to carry the engraving of individual names (b) the re-location of existing ‘shields’ and (c) the provision of ‘plates’, to carry multiple engraved names can also be incurred.

Immediately after presentation of a perpetual trophy, it must be handed over to the Committee nominee (highlighted above) or ‘deputy’, to allow engraving etc to be done. Subsequently, the trophy will be returned to the winner(s) for safe-keeping. Retention of the perpetual trophy can be ‘shared’ between/amongst the winners. The Hon.Sec. will, eventually, request the return of the trophy to the Committee, so that it is available 4 weeks prior to the date agreed for the next ‘running’ of that competition.

The names/photos of competition winners will be published on the ‘News’ page of the Club’s website and names only on the website’s annual Competitions page.

The Committee can amend this policy as circumstances dictate. 

Organisation policy: The notification about, and arrangements for a day’s competition fall to the Hon. Sec. The Hon. Sec. holds ‘standard’ documentation for the various competition formats, including fixtures and scorecards. These can be made available to others, if the Hon. Sec. is unavailable.  

Conduct: No player may be absent from a game or leave the playing area without the permission of the organiser and/or Committee members available. If permission is not sought or given, a penalty may be imposed in line with those available under Article 35. of the FIPJP rules.  

 Time/points limitations on matches: Where the Committee considers that eg. the format/numbers of teams/rounds may lead to an overly long competition, time or points limitations may be imposed on matches. If so decided, all matches in a round will commence at the same time (but see * below) and finish when the time/points limit has been reached. If teams have equal points when the time limit is reached, an extra end will be played to determine a winner. If an ‘end’ is incomplete when the time limit is reached, the ‘end’ must be completed. Should such a completion result in a drawn game, an extra ‘end’ will be played to determine a winner. Timing/points limitations will be confirmed prior to the start of the competition, as will the timing equipment to be used.  

*In a ‘timed’ competition, all matches in the first round will commence at the same time. In subsequent rounds, the competition organiser may give permission for matches to commence when opponents are ready to play, however, the ‘timer’ will commence only when the last match in that round is ready to start. In such a circumstance, the last match to start will be given the full time as agreed for the competition. Other matches, if not over, will finish when the allotted time is reached.